I recently met someone who immediately insulted himself in our very first conversation. Even though this is only my second week working with this person, I have already heard him complain about his weight, his face and his skills set.
He wrote a great letter for me to include within my marketing plan, but before he sent it he warned me that it was terrible and he couldn't come up with anything better (it was fabulous, by the way).
Meeting someone who seems a little insecure can be somewhat endearing but I found myself getting annoyed!
When I am annoyed with someone, I know there is always a mirror of me in the situation- a mirror image I don't like.
I ask my boyfriend constantly for affirmation. He is very kind, but honestly…I'm annoyed with myself! I am annoyed that I need so much affirmation.
Stop Asking For Affirmation 
There is nothing wrong with needing or wanting affirmation, but I need to be able to give it to myself as well. And that is why this guy annoys me.
I can't take it anymore! Everyone needs to lighten up (including myself). Seriously.
Stop apologizing when you need to tell someone something. You deserve to have a voice, and what you have to say is important and valuable.
Stop complaining about your crooked nose. It's fine!
Stop telling people you don't know what you are doing. You DO.
Stop complaining about your job! It's probably fine. Think about what you like about it and why you want to be there. And if you keep hating it, LEAVE.
Stop complaining about your body. It's yours and you've got to love it.
Buy clothes that fit your body if your current wardrobe is too snug or too loose.
Things change, and that's ok. Your body changes, and that's ok.
Do you have acne or crappy skin like me? Who cares!
It adds character.
You weren't planning on modeling anyway, so just do your best and LOVE it.
Did you lose a sock while doing laundry? Lighten up! You wear pants. If you lose another one, you'll have a new pair!
Here are some affirmations, just to get you started on your new way of thinking. You can't focus on what you don't want, or you'll just keep noticing the things you don't want. Start thinking about the things you DO want.
Start being grateful for what you have.
Intentionally choose to be a glass-half-full kind of person.
Stick these affirmations on post it notes and put them in your bedroom, in your bathroom (on the mirror), on your coffee pot and in your office. If you are a male, adjust these accordingly.
31 Positive Affirmations To Tell Yourself – One For Every Single Day
- I am beautiful.
- I value my worth and treat myself with love, respect and compassion
- I am successful and deserve to be successful.
- I am loved and I deserve to be loved!
- I’m grateful that obstacles always appear in front of me; they are there to help me succeed.
- I have more than enough money. Money comes easily to me.
- My life has turned out exactly how it’s meant to be and I’m grateful for it.
- I enjoy my job. I love my boss and my coworkers.
- I am smart and valuable.
- I am unique and a gift to the world.
- My personal time is important.
- I am thankful for everything in my life, because it’s a gift from God to me.
- I deserve to be successful and I’m on my way.
- I am rational and fearless.
- I will be joyful, because my life is worth living.
- I have gained wisdom and insight from each experience that has happened in my life
- I am confident in myself and my decisions.
- I acknowledge my own self-worth.
- I uphold my standards.
- I am calm and mindful.
- I choose not to hold grudges against anyone in life or death, if it is possible for me.
- I am resourceful and capable.
- Self-care is important to me.
- I am worthy of all my opportunities and success.
- Today I feel happy with who I am, and what my life has turned out to be.
- I choose positivity and let go of the negative feelings about myself and others.
- When I wake up in the morning I choose to smile because I am happy.
- I have the ability to succeed and is slowly reaching my full potential.
- Today is beautiful because God gave me another day and a new opportunity.
- My past experience has made me the person I am today.
- I accept that I’m perfect just the way I am
Maybe you read those and thought, BS!
Well, stop that.
Just keep reading them to yourself and imagine that those things are true even if you don't feel like it yet. Your life isn't going to get better by complaining and feeling angry and sad all the time.
But it WILL get better if you start viewing the world from a positive perspective and if you keep your sights and beliefs on what you want.
Challenge: Use Positive Affirmations For A Month!
I created this list specifically so that I could use one of these each day of the month. I would challenge you too to try it out as well.
Each and every day, read one of these affirmations to yourself and think over it during the day. Allow it to change your viewpoint about yourself, your life, and the circumstances around you!
Follow me elsewhere!
Great Alison. I am usually very positive but was a little down 2nite. You’re be grateful for the time and possessions you have right now. Know thyself, Love thyself and Believe in thyself first, then go out and spread the same to others. What you think about expands and re-enters into your life. Peace and Blessings to you.
God words in mysterious ways…today He is working through my amazing daughter, Alison! I Love you!
I love YOU!
Peace and blessings to you as well, luv. Thanks for reading
Martha,The first thing I’m going to do after I thank you for your letter, is to send you a new afmirfation just for this coming week. It is I have a clear, well-defined sense of myself. I celebrate my boundaries, I celebrate my clearly-defined sense of self, my fuzzy edges are becoming defined. I hope that helps in this coming week and I very much appreciate your letter. You encourage me to do more with the afmirfations, and as a thank you I’m going to give you a special joke that I haven’t put in the blog. If idiots could fly, then this would be an airport. Since we’re getting close to election, there’s always, Would you trust a politician to run the country? Happy Gardening,Mel
Love it
Thank you very much , I already copied the affirmations