Declutter For Self Care Course

5 Weeks Of Jam-packed video and written lessons
More energy to use on things that you love and enjoy
More time to prioritize your physical and mental health
More presence of mind for the people you love
Both Courses Bundle

EVERYTHING In The Declutter For Self Care Course
Everything In The Self Care Spree Course
All For A Lower Price!
Self Care Spree Course

Master The Art Of Self Care With Just 15 Minutes A Day
16 Lessons With Video & Worksheets
Self Care Plan Template
4 Affirmation Coloring Sheets
What if you could practice better self care with just 15 minutes a day?
Many times, a lack of energy or confidence comes from compromising what we want in life and putting ourselves last.
Every woman has been there at some point.
Usually, it starts out because we want to help others. We marry a man that we love and enjoy life with. We have adorable kids that continue to take up more of our time.
After a while, all that attention for those that we love (and want to pour our lives into) causes us to put our own needs last.
Over a long (or even short) period of time, you get emotionally and mentally burnt out.
You recently find yourself feeling overwhelmed with all the household chores you have, the child(ren) you have to feed and keep your full attention on…
You go to bed way later than your husband because that's the only time you have when no one needs your attention…
You put off doing your nails, having a facial, or taking care of your skin till the weekend, only to find that the weekend came and went, and you never had time to do any of that..
If that fits you to a tee, then you're in the right place.
Because I've been where you are.
I had a five-year-old and two-year-old I was taking care of, trying to manage a house, and had to have supper ready by 5 PM before my husband came home from work.
And the weekends weren't any easier.
From having to grocery shop, run errands, bathe the children and take them to child checkups, and go to church, I felt as if there was never any time for myself.
And that's just not how we as women should run our lives.
That's when I learned this valuable lesson – self-care is NOT Selfish.
I could not continue to pour my time, energy, and whole being into my husband, children, and community without first filling up my own cup first.
True self-care works from the inside out.
I've figured out a way that will take you from burnout, with no energy, and emotionally feeling numb TO having more energy than I thought possible, being able to pour even more time, energy, and love into everyone around me.
And is all through the power of self-care.
With just 15 minutes a day, you will discover true self-love, calmness, and a feeling of control over your life.
You are important, you matter and you can change.
And all it takes is one small action, one step at a time.
Declutter For Self Care AND Self Care Spree Bundle
I've found through personal experience, that when you declutter and organize, you are left with more time and less stress.
Clutter is one root cause of lack of proper self-care.
Clutter isn’t just what you can see. (It comes in different forms not just physical but also mental, emotional, and spiritual.) It’s what builds up in our lives without us realizing it and contributes to us feeling burnt out and worn out.
We are motivated and influenced to buy things through our feelings and emotions. More than half the time we buy only to find out the thrill didn't last past a week, or worse not even a day. Consequently, accumulating STUFF we actually don't really need or are going to use. Adding to the problem.
Clutter is a nagging to-do list reminding you of everything you yet need to get done or take care of (the dishes to wash in the sink, pile of dirty (or clean) laundry, junk drawers that need attention, a messy and unorganized closet, pantry, garage, etc…), causing you to overwhelm and stress.
A huge part of self-care is actually setting aside the time to dedicate to the things that are important to us. Decluttering might not be the most exciting form of self-care that comes to mind. But, it’s one of the best ways of making you feel better in the long run.
Decluttering is the first step to tackling this issue once and for all. Allowing you to start fresh, pinpointing where the clutter is coming from, stomping out bad habits, and adopting new healthy ones in their place.
Clearing the clutter from our environment helps our stress levels reduce which helps us feel better.
Decluttering helps our mental health by reducing anxiety and making us feel happier, calmer, and more in control.
Having less stuff results in more time to do other things that you want to do
You'll have more energy. Instead of using your energy to manage your home, you might now have more energy for exercise, reading, learning a new skill, and genuinely enjoying life.
What Will You Learn From The Declutter For Self Care Course?
Declutter For Self Care is a 5-week course where I help walk you through the actionable steps that will lead you to clear up the excess while creating space for that which is really important and allowing you the time to self-care.
I knocked out two BIG issues in my life all in one go.
In the 5 weeks of this course, I will teach you how:
Week One:
How to take control of your house. Clearing your house allows you to start gaining more clarity and peace of mind around other areas of your life.
So, we start here for a quick win.
By the end of this course, clutter will never be an issue again. You'll have more focus on your life, more mental clarity, and more time for your own self-care and time for those you love.
Why My “Self Care Spree” Course Is Different Than Other Self Care Challenges…
Most self-care challenges give you activities every day with no direction. Taking a walk or taking a bath doesn't provide any foundational knowledge or tools to actually create change.
By learning actual self-care skills, your self-care practice will have more meaning AND produce actual positive change leading to more happiness.
What You'll Get When You Claim Your “Self Care Spree”
Master Your Mindset: Learn 4 mindfulness actions that move you easily into a more positive mindset, and help you get in touch with what you need, and what makes you happy.
Discover Small, Powerful Actions: Start building your self-care practice with small self-care actions that make you feel better instantly.
Develop New Habits: Master the art of simple self-care by creating your very own manageable and flexible self-care plan.
16 Lessons With Video & Worksheets
Including short instructional videos and 14 printable worksheets to practice what you learn.
Self Care Plan Template
Develop your own personal and manageable plan.
4 Affirmation Coloring Sheets
Need a pick me up during a quiet moment? Use an affirmation coloring worksheet to quiet your mind.
Declutter For Self Care Course

5 Weeks Of Jam-packed video and written lessons
More energy to use on things that you love and enjoy
More time to prioritize your physical and mental health
More presence of mind for the people you love
Both Courses Bundle

EVERYTHING In The Declutter For Self Care Course
Everything In The Self Care Spree Course
All For A Lower Price!
Self Care Spree Course

Master The Art Of Self Care With Just 15 Minutes A Day
16 Lessons With Video & Worksheets
Self Care Plan Template
4 Affirmation Coloring Sheets
Dreams Can Become Your Reality
Many times in our lives, the only reason we don't see our dreams become our realities is that we don't conquer and overcome our main fears.
Below I list four common fears that you can overcome today.
Common Fear #1: “I Can't Afford It”
Seeing this as an initial investment will break you free from traps you didn't know were there.
For example, in the trap of impulse shopping where you shop out of a heightened emotional state. Even if the cost is low these cheap purchases (fast food, coffee, clothes, books) add up over time. This course will help you save money by changing your mindset and gaining control over the physical things that can create clutter in your life.
Not seeing this for what it is will end up keeping you bonded to an ongoing cycle leading you to exactly where you are now, tight on money. Change your habits by experiencing how less is more and your wallet will thank you.
I put this bundle together so that you could both afford it and get what you need at the same time.
More specifically, I offer this bundle with three different payment plans – a one-time fee, 3-month payments, and 6-month payments.
Common Fear #2: “I Don't Have Time”
My Bundle SAVES you time by cutting through all the fluff and giving you a simple framework for your self-care that you will easily be able to follow.
It's so easy that you can do this while watching a child or preparing food.
Sure, maybe you won't have your whole life decluttered in only 5 weeks. But you'll be well on your way to mastering habits you can have for a lifetime.
Common Fear #3: “I'm Incapable Of Doing This”
Here’s the thing.
If you were 110% confident that you could bring about your own self-care routine on your own…
You wouldn't need any help 🙂
It's my job to help people who are not confident about decluttering their life to learn and master simple habits that will serve them in the long term.
Also, I've created this bundle to be as idiot-proof as possible. I'm giving you minimum content for maximum results. You'll be able to return to both courses, modules, and bonuses any time you want, and email me when you need help.
Common Fear #4: “Now Is Not The Right Time”
If not now, then when?
You will have lifetime access to the course, so you can come back to this course whenever it's convenient for you.
One small step at a time!
No matter how busy you are, it is much better to do something small every day (as long as it's in the right direction), than to do NOTHING at all and wait for the “perfect” time.
Declutter For Self Care Course

5 Weeks Of Jam-packed video and written lessons
More energy to use on things that you love and enjoy
More time to prioritize your physical and mental health
More presence of mind for the people you love
Both Courses Bundle

EVERYTHING In The Declutter For Self Care Course
Everything In The Self Care Spree Course
All For A Lower Price!
Self Care Spree Course

Master The Art Of Self Care With Just 15 Minutes A Day
16 Lessons With Video & Worksheets
Self Care Plan Template
4 Affirmation Coloring Sheets