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5 Ways On How To Declutter My Bedroom (Future-Proof It!)

So my husband and I recently cleaned our bedroom…

However, it was more chaotic than expected.

So I've created a list to follow for the future, and I think it just works.

Normally, we just try to spruce the things already in the bedroom.

But we decided to opt out of that route and make a more drastic change.

(Future-proofing, so to speak)

Why Even Declutter In The First Place?

How To Declutter My Bedroom - A messy bedroom with lots of items laying on the floor

Decluttering, for me, has always been a way to effectively get rid of myself of things that I almost never use.

(And a great way to save more space, which we'll talk about later)

Having a clean room from the result of decluttering prevents germs and bacteria to gather where you sleep.

Also, I want to point out that decluttering your bedroom will take work and motivation.

But that doesn't mean you should be unprepared.

Personally, it took me time to declutter because I just wanted to do it later. However, I delayed for so long and had to eventually just do it.

This is the same reason for most people.

I found the motivation to start decluttering (several, in fact) and it has been my mindset moving forward, always.

5 Ways To Declutter My Bedroom

1. Take A Step Back (Look At The Entire Space)

How To Declutter My Bedroom - An empty bedroom apartment

Looking at the size of your bedroom can give you a better idea of how to utilize the space.

Ideas to move, store, or swap furniture can come from just looking at the bigger picture of the layout.

This is an important step that most people skip as they just identify that the room is messy and wants it back to what it was.

Read related post:   10 Decluttering Tips For Hoarders; Simple Yet Effective Guide To Stop Yourself From Hoarding

This is fine, of course.

BUT, why stop from just keeping it back to what it looked like when it was clean?

(Not unless you're happy with the layout)

Assuming that you're not.

After decluttering your bed space, go for a future-proof option and create a layout that you'll be happy with for a very long time.

2. Sort Things Into Piles (3 Is The Magic Number)

How To Declutter My Bedroom - An empty white box

After you've done visualizing how your new bedroom will look after the declutter. It's time to think about sorting.

I always go for 3 piles, and it makes it easy for me and also improves efficiency.

One for the things you want to keep in the room.

The second should be items that you wish to put into storage.

An idea for the second pile can be items that you use for a specific season or occasion…just don't forget you put them there!

For the last pile, consider this your ‘bye-bye' bin.

Either sell them off or give them away because you no longer use or have a need for these items.

Getting rid of items in the third pile might sting at first.

However, this rids you of distractions and stress that you don't need in your life and is a form of self-care that you didn't think you need.

Continuous practice of sorting out clothes into these 3 piles can give you more ideas on what to do with other decluttering methods that might be unique to you as well.

Get Rid Of Broken Items or Fix Damaged Ones (If Possible)

How To Declutter My Bedroom - A broken plate on the floor

This one ties in with decluttering your bedroom items.

It's better to get rid of items that are broken because they will just be occupying space for things that you may need in the future.

(Or really, just more space)

If you do choose to keep damaged items because of their use or sentimentality, it's better to try to fix them to get them to working order or just look better than their current state.

3. Declutter Your Closet (No, Seriously, You Should)

How To Declutter My Bedroom - A closet with clothes and accessories

If you're like me and have a closet in your bedroom, then listen up.

It's important to organize and declutter your closet regularly as you will be constantly using the items inside day in and day out.

Read related post:   Go Green With Orange Oil (9 Amazing Tips For Cleaning Your Home)

Then, my friend, I'd tell you to declutter your clothes right away, and here are 8 more powerful tips to declutter your closet if you want more info.

Cleaning your closet can be a time-consuming endeavor, and you might not want to part with some pieces of clothing. Believe me, I know.

I created a holiday capsule wardrobe and found my ‘favorite' sweater that I barely used, and finally found a way to incorporate it after a LONG time.

An Alison Pro Tip: If you don't want to keep decluttering clothes or items for every season, consider creating your own capsule wardrobe, which I practice religiously. (It saves time, money, and more)

Create A Routine For Clothes

How To Declutter My Bedroom - A woman holding a clock

On a side note, I want to talk about something I've recently done.

The habit of putting clothes away every night to be ready to put to use for the next day.

I would definitely add that to my list of how to practice better self-care!

A healthy routine like this to follow will make a better morning for just about everyone.

4. Use Baskets For Smaller Items (As Long As It Fits The Theme Of The Room)

How To Declutter My Bedroom - baskets and a vase with flowers on a table

I found out that even with all the decluttering in the world, there are always some items that are just way too small to hide (and not forget.)

So I've gone ahead and used some of my more aesthetic baskets as holders for smaller items I want to keep near my side of the bed.

I've also gone ahead and placed another basket for good measure for my husband to use (in case he gets jealous and uses mine).

I personally place my jewelry and watch inside my basket.

Especially if I forgot to store it before jumping in bed after a long day.

Decluttering jewelry is another topic of its own, and I asked myself questions about how to go about it and succeed.

5. Mastering Storage Space

How To Declutter My Bedroom - stack of boxes on a closet

This is the final step into how to declutter the bedroom.

Utilize storage spaces in every possible way.


Using smaller storage for small items and larger storage for larger items is just one example.

Another would be to utilize empty spaces such as the sides of the room and convert them into a sleek space for storage (tons of ideas on my Pinterest pins.)

If you find your storage spaces full, then consider using the empty portions of the walls or the back of your door.

Read related post:   How To Downsize Your House Without the Stress (A Step-by-Step Guide)

Just make sure to make it fit the aesthetic of the room as well and not suffocating.

Label All Of It

How To Declutter My Bedroom - A woman about to write on a post it

Not really all of it, but the ones that need more context than a simple glance and immediately know what it is.

You can start by labeling containers or storage bins for you to easily organize your things.

Labeling the items, it will save you more time in the future as you already know what is inside when you need it (and when you don't!)

I've created an extensive guide on how to organize your home as well so you can if you find the time to do a complete home decluttering.

Take It Slow

How To Declutter My Bedroom - A turtle walking on a dirty road

Calm down, you don't need to do everything in one go.

As I mentioned, decluttering is a regular chore and doesn't need to be done in one go.

(Believe me, when I thought I was done, I really wasn't!)

I kept looking for more ways to maximize my bedroom and make it more efficient.

It's not a race, and you're going to benefit from the change in the end.

Declutter Regularly (Make It A Habit)

How To Declutter My Bedroom - A calendar with red pins on certain dates

Decluttering is a habit and can be done regularly or weekly.

It goes hand in hand with a minimalistic lifestyle.

But, keep in mind that the goal of decluttering is to have a stress-free environment to wake up in and, of course, a better-looking and better use of space.

First Step To Minimalism

How To Declutter My Bedroom - a plant inside a flower vase with a white backdrop

I'd like to point out that the start of regularly decluttering is a path to minimalism.

(Which is good!)

The reason being is that you tend to value more of what you have and do away with unnecessary clutter (excuse my pun) around you.

Decluttering Can Be Fun Too

How To Declutter My Bedroom - a wireless headset on a yellow backdrop

Yes, it's a chore and something that you should regularly incorporate into your lifestyle.

That doesn't mean that it shouldn't be fun, either!

While decluttering, give yourself a goal and a reward once it's done.

Create a stress-free environment and have some music or listen to your favorite podcast playing in the background.

I go for music as my personal choice when cleaning or decluttering, upbeat music, to be specific.

Time To Start Decluttering Now Or Never At All

How To Declutter My Bedroom - A signage on a wall which says "This is the sign you've been looking for"

It's time to start decluttering now.

If you were looking for a sign, that was it.

The earlier you start the sooner you will be able to see its benefits in your home.

From starting small to just one bed room, you can expand to other parts of the house.

Slowly but gradually improve your decluttering method each step of the way.

If you need a checklist on how to declutter then I have something for you (it's free!)

You need only to click the link below and start planning out how you want to declutter and where to start!

Follow me elsewhere!

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