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How to Declutter Your Digital Space + Work Routine

For the past few months, I've been making videos about minimalism and simplifying my life. I stopped making videos about every area I decluttered because I felt like it was getting really repetitive, but I recorded this video after the summary to the challenge and thought I should finally post it!

Thanks for being patient through my 90 day hiatus – more on that in a later post…

One of the reasons I started the minimalism challenge is because I felt overwhelmed and didn't know why. The challenge was really about helping me get to the bottom of WHY I felt overwhelmed and burned out. I wanted more control over my time, money and feelings.

Simplifying My Work Priorities

I have a full time job, so my blog is a side hustle – one that I currently don't make much money from (if any). But every now and then, I get a paying side job where someone needs help with advertising, etc. So, I decided to simplify my side jobs. First, I'd stop paying a Virtual Assistant to help market my blog. I'll market myself and if it grows slower, that's fine.

I also decided to prioritize paying jobs. I know this sounds silly, but I was prioritizing non-paying jobs that were more fun. Then getting overwhelmed with work that didn't need to be done.

Simplifying My Digital Space

On my computer, I went through and deleted thousands of documents from my “download” folder. I reorganized the desktop, Google Drive, Google Chrome bookmarks and left a lot of Facebook groups I wasn't active in.

Read related post:   15 Methods To Declutter Your Messy Home (Reclaim Your Space)

Decluttering My Phone Apps

I deleted any apps I don't use regularly and don't see huge value in. Additionally, I deleted any shopping apps (like Forever 21, ASOS, BirchBox, Modcloth and Old Navy) to reduce temptation to buy things I don't need. I also deleted some work-related productivity apps. I figured that many of those tasks can wait until I have access to a computer.

Additionally, I organized all my apps in folders. This allowed me to see all of apps on my home screen.

Lastly, I put all of my social media apps in a folder and put it on the second page of apps on my phone. Its the only folder on a second page. By moving it there by itself, I don't see it all the time when I unlock my phone, helping me to put it out of my mind more often.

Time Blocking And Prioritizing

Because I have a lot going on, I decided I really need to utilize time blocking more often. The order of priority is 1) success at my full time job, 2) work on paying side hustle, 3) grow my blog until it makes money.

Time blocking my side hustle tasks, AND my full time work tasks has helped me be more productive with the little free time I have.

To read about minimalism, why I began this challenge AND what the results of the challenge were…

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