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How to Wear White Pants: 3 Tips Even If You’re Thick

Hi everyone! Today, I give 3 tips on how to wear white pants (even if you're thick).

They're probably not what you think. If you want to know how to wear white pants, then he back story to this is that I've gained a lot of weight, and really missed wearing my favorite pair of white pants.

Maybe you relate, and maybe not. BUT…

I finally realized… I can wear whatever the heck I want and still look great.

So, now that I have some white pants in my life, I want to share my 3 biggest tips that help me feel confident! What are YOUR tips? Add them in the comments!

How to Wear White Pants // 3 Tips

Tip #1: Stop giving a f***! 🙂

My first tip on how to wear white pants is to stop worrying so much about what you should and shouldn't wear. Wear what you like and what you feel great in, regardless of what other people think.

A big reason I used to not want to wear white pants involved my insecurities about what I looked like and what people thought. Now, not only do I like how I look in white pants, but I also care far less about whether or not I look good to other people.

Suggested Reading: Size 12 Shorts for Women // Amazon Haul

Tip #2: Wear Your Own Style

When I buy white pants, or anything trendy for that matter, I sometimes fall for whatever is popular or the first pair I see that look great on a model.

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The truth is that I gravitate towards the things in my closet I feel the most comfortable in, and those things are pretty similar day to day.

So, when I'm buying something outside my normal “scope”, I need to remember to focus on the classic shapes. I like longer shorts that are form fitting, and I like mid-rise straight leg or skinny jeans. I love rhe idea of wide leg pants, but honestly? Every time I buy them I just don't wear them.

So, stick with what you know you like.

Suggested reading: I Wore the Same Outfit for 21 Days


My last tip for how to wear white pants is to be very careful!

All joking aside, I'm clumsy AF. Don't wear white pants on a day you know you're going to have trouble keeping them clean.

The first day I wore one pair of white pants…I stained them. By dropping a CARROT on them.

And then, the first time these pants were washed they got thrown in with a pair of dark pants…

So, now my one pair of white pants is blue.

What are your tips for wearing white pants?


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